研究生: |
黃詩媛 Huang, Shih-Yuan |
論文名稱: |
以服務設計觀點探討手搖飲料含糖資訊應用程式介面設計之創作研究 A Creative Study on the Interface Design of Sugar Content in Hand-Shaken Beverages Application Based on the Service Design Perspective |
指導教授: |
Wang, Chien-Jui |
口試委員: |
Wang, Chien-Jui 梁桂嘉 Liang, Kuei-Chia 范成浩 Fan, Chen-Hao |
口試日期: | 2025/01/16 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2025 |
畢業學年度: | 113 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 258 |
中文關鍵詞: | 手搖飲料 、含糖資訊 、使用者介面設計 、服務設計 、應用程式 |
英文關鍵詞: | hand-shaken beverages, sugar content information, user interface design, service design, application |
研究方法: | 文獻分析法 、 問卷調查法 、 案例分析法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500289 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:97 下載:2 |
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本研究以服務設計視角為核心,聚焦於手搖飲料消費場景中糖份資訊取得困難的問題,提出一套以使用者需求為導向的應用程式設計方案。隨著健康意識的提升及手搖飲料產業的蓬勃發展,消費者對含糖飲料資訊的需求日益增加。然而,現行的標示方式大多過於繁雜且缺乏即時性,未能有效滿足大眾需求。本研究運用文獻探討、問卷調查及案例分析,結合服務設計的核心方法,系統性地挖掘消費者痛點並提出創新解決方案。研究過程採用雙鑽石設計模型,結合利害關係人分析、人物誌、顧客旅程地圖及服務藍圖等服務設計工具,全面優化使用者體驗。設計成果包括結構化的資訊架構、清晰的功能地圖及流暢的介面流程圖,並透過線框圖進行視覺化展示。應用程式整合了即時糖量標示、每日紀錄與行動預點功能,提供清晰易懂的糖量資訊,並透過方糖顆數與色彩區分強化視覺效果,幫助使用者在選購飲品時快速掌握關鍵數據。此外,紀錄功能輔助使用者進行長期糖量攝取追蹤,搭配健康管理目標設定,促進健康行為改變。本研究進一步透過原型測試與系統可用性量表,驗證應用程式的實用性與效能。測試結果顯示,應用程式在功能設計與使用體驗方面獲得高評價,平均得分達 90 分,充分證明其在即時手搖飲料糖量資訊傳遞與健康管理需求中的價值。受測者一致認為其具備清晰的邏輯結構與直觀的操作介面,成功降低學習成本並提升使用效率。研究結論表明,服務設計方法在結合數據分析、使用需求與行業特性方面展現了明顯優勢。本研究設計的應用程式,不僅有效增強了消費者對手搖飲料含糖資訊的理解與控糖行為的管理能力,亦為健康管理類應用程式的設計與優化提供了具體的實踐參考。未來可探索多元數據整合與系統協作的可能性,進一步深化功能並擴大其應用範疇,為使用者提供更全面的健康管理支持。此方向有助於提升應用程式的實用性與適用性,為健康管理領域的研究與實務應用帶來新的啟發與價值。
This study adopts a service design perspective to address challenges in accessing sugar content information for hand-shaken beverages and proposes a user-centered application design. With rising health awareness and the rapid growth of the hand-shaken beverage industry, consumer demand for sugar content information has increased. However, current labeling methods are overly complex and lack immediacy, failing to meet public needs. Through literature reviews, surveys, and case analyses, this study identifies consumer pain points and provides innovative solutions using service design methodologies. The research applies the Double Diamond Design Model and tools like stakeholder analysis, personas, customer journey maps, and service blueprints to optimize user experience. Design outcomes include structured information architecture, clear functional maps, seamless interface flow diagrams, and visualized wireframes. The application integrates features such as real-time sugar labeling, daily tracking, and mobile pre-ordering to make sugar content information accessible. Visual aids like sugar cube icons and color differentiation enhance clarity and help users quickly understand beverage details. Additionally, tracking features support long-term monitoring of sugar intake and health goal setting, encouraging behavioral changes. Prototype testing and System Usability Scale evaluations confirmed the application’s effectiveness, achieving an average score of 90, reflecting high user satisfaction. Participants praised its clear structure and intuitive interface, which reduced learning costs and improved usability. The findings demonstrate that service design effectively integrates data analysis, user needs, and industry characteristics. The application enhances consumer understanding of sugar content and supports intake management, offering valuable references for health management application design. Future studies can explore multi-source data integration to expand functionality and improve applicability, further supporting comprehensive health management solutions.
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