研究生: |
陳秀梅 Chen Hsiu-Mei |
論文名稱: |
跳繩課程對輕度智能障礙學生健康體適能影響之個案研究 The Effects of Rope Skipping on Health-related Physical Fitness in Student with Mild Intellectual Disability: A Case Study |
指導教授: |
Keh, Nyit-Chin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 148 |
中文關鍵詞: | 跳繩 、智能障礙 、健康體適能 、認知 |
英文關鍵詞: | Intellectual Disability, Rope Skipping, Health-related Physical Fitness, Cognitive |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:349 下載:18 |
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跳繩活動是一項簡單,沒有場地、器材、天候限制的一項休閒活動,適合培養體能,增進健康體適能的活動。本研究目的在探討跳繩課程對智能障礙學生健康體適能以及學習情形之影響。研究以台北市某國中一名國三女生為研究對象。研究方法:在跳繩活動前後實施健康體適能測驗,教學期間透過學習單、教學日誌和訪談,探討智能障礙學生健康體適能的改變與學習情形。課程內容為體適能介紹、熱身影片帶動、音樂配合跳繩動作技能教學及跳繩遊戲,教學設計以考量學生能力程度,課程由簡而繁,循序漸進,內容以多樣化、樂趣化為原則。本研究共計七週21節課,研究資料蒐集採量與質並重方式,量的部份以健康體適能前後測數據比較;質性資料以學習評量表、教學日誌、訪談進行資料蒐集,以內容分析法將文字資料加以分類、整理、歸納。研究結果(一)智能障礙學生健康體適能各方面皆呈現進步狀態,BMI從31.24改善為29.64,心肺耐力從911m進步為1030m,肌肉適能從130cm進步為140cm,柔軟度從30cm進步為35cm,證實透過跳繩課程,對智能障礙學生健康體適能提升有所幫助;(二) 從學習評量表、教學日誌、訪談、等資料分析得知,智能障礙學生對課程認知、接受度及從事體育課程的意願,皆有提升效果。本研究發現,跳繩課程,對智能障礙學生健康體適能提升與學習有正面的影響。
Rope skipping is a simple leisure activity with no prerequisite of specialized places, facilities and weather condition. It is an activity suitable in enhancing one’s physical fitness. This study examined the effects of rope skipping on health related physical fitness and learning in student with intellectual disability. The participant was a female student in her 3rd year of a junior high school from Taipei city. The health related physical fitness tests were administered before and after rope skipping teaching. Changes in student’s health related physical fitness knowledge were investigated through worksheets, teaching diaries and interviews. Contents of the rope skipping lesson included introduction to health related physical fitness, warm-up videos, rope skipping skills teaching and games with music. Lesson plan designs varied according to student’s disability with the principles from simple to complex and with fun. The study consisted of 21 lessons and lasted for 7 weeks. The prior and post physical fitness test data were analyzed to make comparison. The Qualitative data from worksheets, teaching diaries and interviews were summarized and categorized using content analysis. Results from this study indicated that: (1) There were overall progress in health related physical fitness for student with mild intellectual disability: BMI decreased from 31.24 to 29.64, Cardiovascular endurance improved from 911m to 1030m, muscular endurance improved from 130cm to 140cm, and flexibility improved from 30cm to 35cm, giving evidence to rope skipping in its contribution to raise physical fitness in student with mild intellectual disability; (2) Analysis on worksheets, teaching diaries and interview showed that the participant had improved cognitively and the level of acceptance and willingness to participate in physical education was greatly raised. The findings of this study revealed the positive effects of rope skipping in raising health-related physical fitness and learning in student with mild intellectual disability.
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