研究生: |
江文慈 Wein-Tzu Chiang |
論文名稱: |
情緒調整的發展軌跡與模式建構之研究 Developmental Trajectories and Model Construction for Emotion Regulation |
指導教授: |
Chang, Ching-Yuan |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 1999 |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 242 |
中文關鍵詞: | 情緒調整 、情緒發展 、發展軌跡 |
英文關鍵詞: | Emotion Regulation, Emotion Development, Developmental Trajectories |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1203 下載:0 |
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本研究是以國小五年級﹑國中二年級及高中二年級共108位學生(三個時期各36位)為對象,採取個別晤談法,探討兒童和青少年在情緒調整五個層面(情緒覺察、情緒表達、調整策略、情緒反省、情緒效能)的發展情形。研究結果發現:情緒調整會因年齡層不同而在發展內容上有實質的差異,呈現多面性及發展性的特點。這些特點包括:(1) 在情緒覺察方面,情緒狀態由「單一情緒」轉向「混合情緒」,隨著年齡的增加,使用較多分化的情緒語詞來描述情緒內容。至於情緒原因的覺察,則由「外在事件」轉向「內在感受」,且更能深入地指向個人的內心世界。(2) 情緒表達由「直接﹑外顯」轉向「間接﹑內隱」的方式,情緒控制也逐漸成熟,但仍不穩定。(3)在調整策略的可能選擇中,「尋求支持」和「放鬆分心」是各時期較常使用的策略;但隨著年齡的增加,逐漸使用「正向思考」和「問題解決」策略。(4) 情緒反省是由參照「外在要求」轉向「自我主張」的發展,同時漸能主動省思,對情緒事件較有獨到的見解。但有時過於反覆思索情緒,延長情緒波動時間,導致較多的情緒衝突與矛盾。(5) 情緒效能的形成與判斷,隨著年齡的增加,所考慮的因素較多,逐漸由「兩極化」轉向「趨中」的發展。此外,男女兩性在情緒調整各層面的內容描述上也有差異。
本研究提出的情緒調整發展模式,包括情緒調整能力﹑社會情感經驗﹑個人內在信念和生活適應等四個主要成份,並以298位國中二年級學生對象,採用結構方程模式統計方法,應用LISREL 8.12a版電腦統計套裝軟體,驗證此模式的適切性。模式考驗結果發現:本研究所建構的情緒調整發展模式,與實際的觀察資料可以適配。由模式結構內容來看,情緒調整能力的發展,直接受到社會情感經驗及個人內在信念的影響,而情緒調整能力則會對生活適應產生直接的影響。此外,社會情感經驗和個人內在信念也會透過情緒調整能力的中介,間接影響到個體的生活適應。由此可知,此模式可用來解釋情緒調整能力的形成及作用,具有描述﹑解釋及預測情緒調整發展的功能與價值。
Emotion regulation plays an important role in mental health and adjustment, but little is known about its developmental process. The purposes of this study were to explore the developmental trajectories for emotion regulation, and to establish a theoretical model for development of emotion regulation.
In order to accomplish these purposes, the study was divided into two parts. Study Ⅰ was to explore the developmental trajectories for emotion regulation during adolescence. The participants were 108 the 5th, 8th , and 11th grade adolescents. They were given the "Emotion Regulation Interview". Data collected from interviews with adolescents. The results showed that there were differences among groups of different ages concerning the five aspects ( emotional awareness, emotional expression, emotional regulation strategies, emotional reflection, and emotional efficacy ) of emotion regulation. The developmental trends were as follows: (1) awareness of multiple differential emotions increase with development; (2) use of indirect and covert modes to express emotion increase with development; (3) use of cognitive restructuring and problem solving strategies increase with development; (4) the ability to reflect on regulating emotion improves with development; and (5) the sense of self-efficacy in regulating emotion become more moderate with development.
In studyⅡ, the researcher proposed a model which included the components of social affective experience, personal belief, emotional regulation ability, and life adjustment; and verified the goodness of fit of this model. The subjects contained 298 8th grade adolescents. The research instruments administered were "Emotion Regulation Inventory", "Social Affective Experience Inventory", "Personal Belief Inventory", and "Life Adjustment Inventory". The data were analyzed by LISREL. The results indicated that the observed data fitted the theoretical model. This means that the model developed was supported. The model offers a conceptual framework for understanding developmental change of emotion regulation.
Based on these findings and conclusions, the suggestions for the aspects of emotion education practice and future research were proposed.
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