簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王晧宇
Wang, Hao-Yu
論文名稱: 計畫行為理論對觀賞表演藝術行為意圖之研究
The Research on the Intention of Observing Performing Arts Behaviors: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior
指導教授: 張少熙
Chang, Shao-Hsi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: 表演藝術觀眾計畫行為理論結構方程模式涉入程度
英文關鍵詞: Performing Arts, Spectators, TPB, SEM, Involvement
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:337下載:42
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  •   本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,探討表演藝術觀眾之觀賞行為意圖。研究工具編製是透過國內外觀眾觀賞行為之相關研究文獻,並加入消費者涉入程度之變項,設計出「表演藝術現場觀眾觀賞行為意圖調查問卷」,並進行專家效度分析,建構本問卷各量表之題項;經過預試結果,顯示出良好的信度。正式問卷總共發放600份,扣除無效填答問卷,共計回收548份,佔回收問卷之95.1%。最後並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與結構方程模式來建構並分析表演藝術現場觀眾觀賞行為模式,所得結果如下:一、目前觀賞表演藝術的人口,以女性、有學習表演藝術經驗的人居多、觀眾之教育程度集中在大專校院、在表演藝術活動上平均每月花費在五百元以內。二、觀眾主要以女性大專校院生之觀賞「涉入程度」最為肯定,且最容易受朋友、同學影響,而影響觀眾進場觀賞與否主要原因是來自家庭。三、表演藝術觀眾觀賞行為意圖量表之各變項與行為意圖皆達顯著水準,「態度」、「主觀規範」、「知覺行為控制」、「涉入程度」皆呈現高度相關。四、表演藝術現場觀眾觀賞行為模式,符合各適配度指標之標準,而其中「涉入程度」最能影響行為意圖,其次為「態度」、「知覺行為控制」,最後為「主觀規範」。本研究以舞蹈、音樂、現代戲劇、傳統戲曲為量化研究對象,建議未來可增加質性的部分,並在未來研究做縱向、跨年度、跨季之研究;以不同種類的表演藝術觀賞行為模式進行比較研究,驗證並建構更完整紮實的觀賞行為模式。

      The purpose of this study was to explore the behavioral intention of spectators in the field of performing art based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). The research tools was compiled with the related research and the expert’s opinion, and it showed that a high reliability and validity from the pilot study. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used in covariance and were to analyze the behavioral intention of spectators in performing art. The results were as follows: First, those female who had learned performing art with college degrees were the main population of watching performing art and they spent 500 dollars per month on watching the performing art activities. Second, the “involvement” in the female college students had the most significant explanatory power to the behavioral intention and their friends and classmates had great influences on their watching behavior. Third, the results showed that variables “attitude”, “subjective norms”, “perceived behavioral control” and “involvement” were highly related the behavioral intention. Fourth, “Involvement” was the most explanatory variable to behavioral intention and following were “attitude”, “perceived behavioral control” and the last one was “subjective norms”. The quality research object of this study focused on the field of dance, music, modern theater and traditional drama. The quality part and the longitudinal researched are recommended to being parts of the future study. To compare different types of performing art is also a greater way to construct a complete behavioral intention study.

    中文摘要.................................................i 英文摘要................................................ii 謝誌..................................................iii 目次....................................................v 表次..................................................vii 圖次....................................................x 第壹章 緒論.............................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機....................................1 第二節 研究目的..........................................5 第三節 研究問題..........................................5 第四節 研究之重要性......................................6 第五節 研究範圍與限制....................................6 第六節 名詞操作性定義....................................7 第貳章 文獻探討.........................................9 第一節 表演藝術定義與分類................................9 第二節 表演藝術觀眾.....................................13 第三節 計畫行為理論之相關研究............................19 第四節 涉入程度之研究...................................29第五節 各構面之相關研究..................................36 第參章 研究方法.........................................43 第一節 研究架構.........................................43 第二節 研究流程.........................................45 第三節 研究對象.........................................46 第四節 研究工具.........................................48 第五節 實施步驟與程序...................................65 第六節 資料處理與分析...................................65 第肆章 結果與討論.......................................69 第一節 表演藝術現場觀眾之背景變項與參與特性分析............69 第二節 表演藝術現場觀眾觀賞行為意圖之現況..................76 第三節 表演藝術現場觀眾於各構面間之差異性分析..............81 第四節 表演藝術現場觀眾觀賞行為意圖之相關分析.............125 第五節 表演藝術現場觀眾觀賞行為意圖模式建構與分析.........127 第伍章 結論與建議......................................137 第一節 結論...........................................137 第二節 建議...........................................140 參考文獻...............................................142 中文部分...............................................142 外文部分...............................................149 附錄一................................................155 附錄二................................................158

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