研究生: |
董向儀 Xiang-Yi Dong |
論文名稱: |
咖啡因對於分次短時間運動能量代謝之影響 Effects of Caffeine on Multiple Bouts of Short Duration Exercise Metabolism |
指導教授: |
Hsieh, Shen-Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 38 |
中文關鍵詞: | 分次運動 、脂肪代謝 、運動後超額攝氧量 、體重控制 |
英文關鍵詞: | multiple bouts of exercise, fat metabolism, excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), weight control |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:282 下載:19 |
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過去文獻指出分次短時間運動在總能量消耗上明顯高出於單次長時間運動,目前咖啡因對於分次短時間運動的能量代謝是否有正面的效益尚未明確。目的:探討咖啡因增補對於分次短時間運動能量代謝的影響。方法:招募12名大學一般健康男性,採雙盲設計,以平衡次序方式進行安慰劑或5mg/kg咖啡因增補。以80% 最大攝氧量的強度在跑步機進行3次短時間運動(3次10分鐘,每次間隔20分鐘)
,收集其攝氧量、能量消耗及呼吸交換率直到安靜狀態。以重複量數和二因子變異數分析考驗兩者之間的差異,顯著水準為α = .05。結果:在總攝氧量方面,咖啡因為114.0 ±16.4 L顯著地高於於安慰劑104.4 ±14.3 L(p < .05); 在總能量消耗上,咖啡因(565.7 ± 83.0 kcal)也顯著高於安慰劑(520.6 ± 73.2 kcal)(p < .05)。即使呼吸交換率在不同處理間無差異,但咖啡因在恢復期的脂肪代謝顯著高於安慰劑(p < .05)。結論:咖啡因對分次短時間運動的能量代謝是有提升的效果,因此可推論咖啡因配合分次運動短時間運動可促進更多的能量和脂肪消耗,進而達到控制體重的功效。
It is apparent from the literature that multiple bouts of short duration exercise consume more energy than a bout of long duration exercise. Nevertheless, whether caffeine will enhance energy expenditure on multiple bouts of short duration exercise is not known. Purpose: To investigate the metabolism of multiple bouts of short duration exercise with caffeine supplement. Methods: With a double-blind and repeated measure design, 12 healthy male university students took placebo or caffeine (5mg/kg) in a counter-balanced order. Subjects performed 3 bouts of short duration exercise (10 min for each bout, with a rest interval of 20 min between each bout ) at 80% VO2max. Oxygen consumption, energy expenditure, and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were measured during exercise and though recovery to the resting level. A repeated measures two way ANOVA was used to determine differences for each trial. The significance level was α = .05 . Results: In total oxygen consumption, the caffeine trial (114.0 ±16.4 L) was significantly higher than placebo trial (104.4 ±14.3 L) (p < .05). In total energy expenditure, caffeine trial was also significantly higher than placebo trial ( 565.7 ± 83.0 kcal versus 520.6 ± 73.2 kcal )(p < .05). Although RER was not significantly between two trials, but the fat metabolism of caffeine trial was significantly higher than placebe trial. Conclusion: Caffeine can enhance energy expenditure of multiple bouts of short duration exercise. Thus, caffeine plus multiple bouts of exercise is a good combination for weight control.
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