研究生: |
游世甫 YU,SHIH_PU |
論文名稱: |
圖像式腦力激盪研究探討_以工業產品設計草圖概念構想階段為例 Visual-Brainstorming research-At the industrial design sketch concept stage |
指導教授: | 梁桂嘉 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 91 |
中文關鍵詞: | 草圖 、腦力激盪 、設計思考 、視覺參考物 |
英文關鍵詞: | Sketches, Brainstorming, Design thinking, Visual reference materia |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:298 下載:12 |
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本研究透過圖像式腦力激盪方法的操作實驗中觀察記錄,與對受測者做經驗訪談,分析歸納得知如下重點研究結果: (1)繪製的圖形是會刺激他人產生新的構想;(2)圖像參考物能使設計師得到更多的聯想;(3)操作手法是具有方向性的腦力激盪模式,其同時複合水平與垂直的思考模式在內的交互關系;(4)操作過程是以繪製圖像溝通為主,且帶有口語、肢體動作的溝通方式;(5)操作圖像式腦力激盪中,手繪能力的好與壞並不阻礙會議進行。
In the general design process, designer usually draw the sketch based on their own personal experience; in the meantime, by this draft process designer explore ideas which derive from continuous self-reflection, dialogue, review and communication to plot into a graph. This process seems designer’s own brainstorming and the ideas during the period of black box design are much more infinite. Furthermore, the benefits of multiplayer brainstorming are extremely different from individual one. As we can know, multiplayer visual brainstorming can elicit various opinions in order to have a better solution and use discussion time effectively.
The aim of this study is to investigate the use of brainstorming techniques and look into if multiplayer visual brainstorming technique cannot only make a difference from the general black box design to inspire a range of images and creativity for product design development decisions but also can make it more accurate to build up high quality innovative ideas for product development at initial industrial design sketches stage.
According to previous literatures, the methods are usually adopted such as creative thinking, brainstorming, lateral thinking, vertical thinking, KJ method, mind mapping etc. in the current industrial design and seek out suitable meeting operational behavior of image-based brainstorming. In the process, this study also explore if image reference material is helpful for visual brainstorming compared to the behavioral differences of traditional personal black box design.
This study implements experimental observations of visual brainstorming method and interview the subjects. The analysis of key findings are summarized as follows: (1)Drawn graphics will stimulate people to produce new ideas; (2)Image reference material enable designers to get more associations; (3)Operating practices are directional brainstorming mode that compose of the interactions between horizontal and vertical mode of thinking; (4)Operation bases on image communication and also with spoken language as well as gesture communication; (5)When operate image brainstorming, freehand ability is good or not does not hinder the meeting.
Visual brainstorming methods require multiple operations experience, particularly moderator’s guiding experience, to prevent limited thinking or interrupted associations from occurring. This action can help the development of industrial design during the conception period and offer a systematic method to discover questions and solve problems. The multiplayer visual brainstorming is a study in providing some clues to follow behaviors; therefore it helps to resolve the problem.
In conclusion, the visual brainstorming provides a new application method to innovate industrial design and also bring great benefits in teaching aspect.
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