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研究生: 張翠雲
論文名稱: ODM設計之專案管理研究 以『多功能事務機』為例
Research on Multiple-Function Printer ODM Design Project Management
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
Liang, Kuei-Chia
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 專案管理ODM多功能事物機新產品設計
英文關鍵詞: Project Management, ODM Multiple-Function Printer, Product Design
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:306下載:16
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  • 以台灣目前研發產品,大多由台灣設計開發、異地生產製造之模式,爲拉近時空距離,而專案產出的相關技術知識,亦為企業珍貴之資產。因此有效的專案管理方法,可以達成有效之產品管控及發展與品質,大幅減低企業管理導入成本。

    Current Taiwan product development is typically designed in Taiwan and manufactured elsewhere. Successful project management closing time and distance gap is a valuable corporate know-how. Therefore, effective project management through exercising control over product planning, its development and quality can achieve overall lowering of product deployment costs.
    Through case study to investigate how PDM is applied to product development. Our expectation is that ODM project management process can strengthen product development process and its management. Furthermore, we will use multi-function printer product design as a mean to analyze development method and innovation strategy (case study). Next, we conducted in-depth discussion with company’s senior staff and project management personnel to obtain their perspective. This perspective gives us an opportunity to study real product development process. Finally, I participated in actual product design and development of a new product. Deliverable for this research is the result of this ODM project management: development idea, computer 3D cad files, packaging design, and complete new product design drawings. Our research reveals that ODM project management system from product planning, product design, initial design, detail design, engineering verification, and design verification till mass production, every phase of the work content is extremely detail and linked. Additionally, due to overall delivery requirements, schedule between phases are typically squeezed. Multi-function peripheral product is complex and due to customer’s many design change requesuts, it is not possible for single person to anticipate all the change variables. Therefore, in order to achieve project objectives project team needs to cooperate closely with all parties for resource allocation, technical integration, and design implementation. Prior to start of the project, optimizing resource, schedule and other aspects of the project is necessary. Such level of planning should achieve optimize resource benefiting mutual cooperation and customer satisfaction. It is my intention through this research to increase project management efficiency and bring positive progress to the company.

    –摘要– III –ABSTRACT– IV –致謝– V –目錄– VI –表目錄– VIII –圖目錄– IX 第一章、緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的與重要性 5 1.3研究流程架構 7 1.3.1研究專案目標 8 1.4研究範圍與限制 9 1.4.1研究範圍 9 1.4.2研究限制 9 第二章、文獻探討 (設計之專案管理) 10 2.1 ODM專案管理介定代工模式 10 2.1.1專案的定義 10 2.1.2專案的特性 15 2.1.3專案管理的關鍵成功因素 18 2.1.4專案的週期與專案管理過程 (週期/過程/目標) 21 2.2小結 24 第三章、ODM設計之專案研究分析與個案研究 25 3.1產品設計現況調查 25 3.2 ODM設計專案管理的案例分析 28 3.3 深入訪談 29 3.3.1訪問P公司高階主管 29 3.3.2訪問H公司專案管理人員 33 3.3.3訪問A公司高階主管 36 3.3.4訪問所得到結論 38 3.4. ODM之設計專案管理系統之內涵 (專案開發之實際執行過程) 41 3.4.1產品規劃階段(Project Register) 43 3.4.2產品設計開始階段 (Project Start) 49 3.4.3初步設計階段 (Preliminary Design): 51 3.4.4細部設計階段(Detail Design) 59 3.4.5工程驗證階段 (Engineering Verification) 61 3.4.6設計驗證階段 (Design Verification) 67 3.4.7量產驗證階段 (Mass Production Verification) 68 3.5 小結 74 第四章、ODM多功能事務機實際案例應用過程與表現 75 4.1 ODM個案公司K公司之專案開發之實際執行過程 75 4.1.1 背景分析 75 4.2創作意念方法 76 4.3實際案例應用設計電腦3D草圖 78 4.3.1 實際案例應用設計DM 81 4.3.2 實際案例應用設計Name Plate 83 4.4 包裝系列設計 85 4.4.1 禮盒設計 85 4.4.2 Accessory 設計 89 4.5 ODM新產品開發設計整體出貨 95 4.6小結 103 第五章 結論與建議 104 5-1總結 104 5-2建議 108 參考文獻 109

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    資料來源:kodak美國網站 商品活動系列商品與海報 2010
