研究生: |
王莉莉 Li-li Wang |
論文名稱: |
大學生在電腦輔助語言學習中心之文化學習觀感 EFL College Students’ Perceptions of Culture Learning at a CALL Center |
指導教授: |
Lin, Chih-cheng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 141 |
中文關鍵詞: | 電腦輔助多媒體學習中心 、學生觀點 、語言學習軟體 、文化學習 |
英文關鍵詞: | CALL self-learning center, student perceptions, language learning programs, EFL culture learning |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:359 下載:35 |
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本研究採線上問卷調查法,前面1至7題屬量性,第8題為質性來分析符合上下學期都有看過指定的四部電影的篩選標準之151位學生的語言和文化學習。另外從這 151位學生中再篩選出上學期及下學期前往自學中心超過40次以上的學生,用訪談法來進一步了解其動機及語言、文化學習。質性和量性同時並重的分析是為了更了解學習者使用影片學習語言的行為及從特定影片中所得的文化學習。
The instructional goal of culture is to equip learners with intercultural proficiency, cultural competence and cross-culture awareness. Culture learning depends in large part on student themselves. If well-motivated by the ways teachers instruct culture, learners will be willing to self-direct to further discovery. Films had a function that allowed audio texts to be visually displayed which aids comprehension and develops learners’ intuitive and creative thinking. Research concerning the students' perspectives of integrated use of multimedia programs in the classroom is crucial. And it was asserted that serious elicitation of student feedback is a fundamental feature of effective teaching. It was also assumed that viewing culture-related films would better motivate students toward language learning. Therefore, this research mainly aims to explore college students’ perceptions of culture elements and language skills involved in viewing films in the English learning process at a CALL self-learning center.
The subjects of this study were freshmen enrolled in thirty-three English classes during the academic year 2004. The instrument included one on-line survey questionnaire and focused interviews. There are seven quantitative questions and one open-ended question in the on-line questionniare while there are seven interview questions. The quantitative and qualitative analyses were to investigate 151 selected students’ perceptions of viewing films, and their culture learning from specific film content.
The findings showed that affectively, their motivation of heading for the self-learning center is increased. In terms of cultural competence, students construct culture knowledge more effectively, and their critical thinking was also cultivated from viewing films which could be validated from on-line feedback and interview. And with culture values conveyed to students, they learn how to appreciate different cultures. In terms of language development, not surprisingly, 38.69% of the students’ responses showed that their listening ability was improved. Furthermore, there were 35.97% and 11.44% of the participants reponding to the improvement of written abilities and oral skills. In terms of different perceptions among the three proficiency levles, it showed that compared with other two proficiency levels, high-level students held the most positive attitude toward using culture-related films to learn English. The difference mainly occurred between high-level studnets and mid-level students. In addition, high-level students commented more on “Culture” when answering open-ended question while low-level and mid-level students commented more on “Language” and “Opinion” these two categories. Besides, low-level students’ responses to the open-ended question were only related to culture learning levels 1 and 2, that is, cultural facts and understanding, while mid-level and high-level studnets could discuss deeper into culture learning level 3, that is, cultural identity.
The pedagogical implications are that in order to maximize students’ culture learning and langauge skills, teachers can integrate related films into their curriculum and simultaneously prepare guided questions for students to reflect upon. The Center can establish a quiz database in which each film can have quizzes and culture-related testing items to investigate participants’ language and culture learning.
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